Image capture using camera technology
Featuring sophisticated optics & built-in data processing. The AlteRead 2D barcode camera readers all include a 5-year warranty.
Image capture using camera technology
The AlteRead 2D barcode camera readers all include a 5-year warranty. Capture and decode 2D barcodes on tubes instantly.
Image capture using camera technology
Store and track samples easily with all the kit supplied in one cost saving package
Image capture using camera technology
Featuring sophisticated optics and built-in data processing. The AlteRead 2D barcode camera readers all include a 5-year warranty.
Image capture using camera technology
The first totally portable single 2D & 1D barcode reader. Capture and decode 2D & 1D barcodes on tubes instantly.
Included with all AlteRead 2D barcode readers
The intuitive and intelligent software comes pre-calibrated and ready to use.
Image capture using camera technology
The AlteRead 2D barcode camera readers all include a 5-year warranty. Capture and decode 2D barcodes on tubes instantly.
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