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10μl, Short Tip, Graduated, Natural, „ECO PACK” Refill Stack, Sterilized, 10x5x96tips

SKU: 123R-254CS

Końcówki o pojemności 10ul, krótkie (31mm),sterylne, pakowane w opakowania typu ” ECO Pack Refill Stack” 10x5x96szt (10x480szt).

10μl, Long Tip, Graduated, Natural, System Rack(PP), 10×96 tips

SKU: 120P-207C

Końcówki o pojemności 10ul, długie (50mm), pakowane w pudełka PP 10x96szt.

Custom Bioinformatics Solutions

With decades of experience in transcriptomics, genomics, and related fields of biology, our bioinformatics team is empowered to tailor new bioinformatics developments to your unique project. We offer various Custom Bioinformatics Solutions, including new tool and pipeline developments, by using state-of-the-art algorithms and computational methods. With our personal and customized approach, we deliver most reliable and accurate outcomes enabling you to differentiate and drive innovation. Post-project, we provide detailed documentation and reporting, as well as secure and full transfer of custom pipeline.

Lexogen Bioinformatics Service

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are invaluable in academic research, biotechnology, biomedical and clinical research, and the pharmaceutical industry. As NGS technologies rapidly expand and develop, it is imperative to correctly interpret increasingly complex data sets and relate them to biological functions. More than ever, it is necessary to approach NGS data analysis with tailored and creative data analysis workflows to extract the most from the datasets obtained.

Our team consists of genomic data analysis experts with experience in various NGS data analysis pipelines who are passionate about developing novel, customized workflows and solutions while keeping biology at the forefront.

We speak your language, so focus on your research and leave the data analysis to us.

DNA Sequencing

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies enable researchers to investigate the genetic basis of biological function, variation, and disease with increasing depth and throughput. Various DNA sequencing approaches are available to facilitate numerous applications, including variant discovery, genome assembly, resequencing, phylogenetics, genotyping, and taxon identification.

DNA sequencing services from Lexogen can start with DNA extraction or library preparation, with optional target enrichment. We use top-quality library generation methods with customized sequencing and data analysis approaches according to individual project requirements and target applications. DNA extraction can be performed upon request, e.g., from cell pellets, fresh or flash-frozen tissues, and FFPE curls*.

We also offer various RNA sequencing options if you are also interested in studying the transcriptome.

Ultra-low Input RNA Sequencing

Ultra-low input RNA-Seq enables insight into gene expression profiles even when dealing with very low inputs. This is often the case when working with rare cell types, having access to a limited amount of material, or being interested in lowly abundant transcripts present only in a small population of cells. We have substantial experience making low and ultra-low input RNA-Seq work and providing accurate and reliable transcriptomic datasets from these limited samples. Our proprietary, high-definition technology enables us to work with RNA input as low as 10 pg and achieve unprecedented sensitivity and reproducibility, even with low-quality samples.